Luluc – Sculptor

Sculptor – Luluc
Lyrics, Letra:
Sitting with the politicians
suiting up, these rags need stitching
How’d I get to this part of the plane?
a nomad riding a luxury train, in the sky

Do politicians wanna be musicians?
A rockstar with a party line
A folk tune we know the words to
Empty sounds, resounding sounds of nothing

The ladies dancing the safety demonstration
painted faces nothing out of place
Would they stay that way if we tumbled to crash?
Perfect dolls would we float?
Salted, washed, lifted, lost, but found somewhere else
Found somewhere else

Taken by a light
brightest on the other side
Let me know the colour and trace of my worst fears
and face them without a tremor
Without the slightest sense of dread
but as the ghosts of my unruly head
Made to see it’s own kind
It’s own creation
and a final place

The most beautiful, serene
sculpture my hands could make
Could trace
Could make
Could trace
Could make
Could trace
Could break

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