Lucky Luke – Drüg ft. Emie

Lyrics, Letras da Musica
Oh I love you so, darling
I’ve never felt this way before, darling
I want you more and more, my love

We have so much to explore, my love

I can’t get enough of you,
You are my drug,
There’s no other way to tell it,
I’m addicted to you

I’ll always be by your side, darling
You’re the best thing in my life, darling
I won’t tell nothing new, whatever
My heart belongs to you, forever

I can’t get enough of you,
You are my drug,
There’s no other way to tell it,
I’m addicted to you

Oh I love you so, darling
I’ve never felt this way before, darling
I want you more and more, my love
We have so much to explore, my love

I’ll always be by your side, darling
You’re the best thing in my life, darling
I won’t tell nothing new, whatever
My heart belongs to you, forever

I can’t get enough of you,
You are my drug,
There’s no other way to tell it,
I’m addicted to you

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