Lo and Behold – Nohana

Letra “Lo and Behold – Nohana” Official Lyrics

I’ve lost my way
So far from home
I’ve lost my way
With no place to call my own
Well I’m wandering
Through this endless sea
I’ll still be wondering
Just how much is left in me

Now you’re just a memory
(I’m all alone, so far from home)
And you probably don’t remember me
But then again who does?
Do you count this as a victory?
(You left me here, my biggest fear)
If so, you’re sailing in some shallow seas
Is this who you wanna be?

What the fuck is wrong with me?
Why does everyone leave?
I can’t take it anymorе
I’m broken to my core
I’m on my hands and knees
Won’t you answer my plеas
This is all a dream
Because it has to be


Well, I’m lost again
So far from home
Well, I’m lost again
With no place to call my own
I’m still wandering
Through this endless sea
I’ll still be wondering
If you’d ever come back for me

Now you’re just a memory
(I’m all alone, so far from home)
And you probably don’t remember me
But then again who does?
Do you count this as a victory?
(You left me here, my biggest fear)
If so, you’re sailing in some shallow seas
Is this who you wanna be?

This is not my fault
This is not my fault

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