Lilac Boy – Freaker Blast

Letra “Lilac Boy – Freaker Blast” Official Lyrics

Catch me on my little data bend I fucking dare you
Been down neur-brick dripping skin path for years now
My little Song and dance with plants got me melting
Trail of entrails until the trails disappear

Winsock been a bore
Been freaker been sore
I’ve had my nails done before
Ain’t nothing I haven’t seen before
Winsock been a bore
Been freaker been sore
I’ve had my nails done before
Ain’t nothing I haven’t seen before


Thru field Brain full of my empty chasm screams
Castle room boobytrap Pool of eyeballs
Big turbines and bleed to othеrworldly creatures
Trail of entrails until thе freakers disappear

Winsock been a bore
Been freaker been sore
I’ve had my nails done before
Ain’t nothing I haven’t seen before
Winsock been a bore
Been freaker been sore
I’ve had my nails done before
Ain’t nothing I haven’t seen before

Crunchy inky stretchy soul
Fuck the stars and eat the world
Brain matter in another state
Powerless sheep they graze
Feeling static in my head
Pinned a headtack to my bed
Stygian drab crimson Sun
Breathing heavy until i’m done
Corkscrew keeps my Brain in place
Incongruous pig on a stake
In neuron clime i’m dissonant
Undeviating constant then
People walk the skittish path
Picking flowers eating rash
Put them on their lover’s chair
Dead and to another stair

Winsock been a bore
Been freaker been sore
I’ve had my nails done before
Ain’t nothing I haven’t seen before
Winsock been a bore
Been freaker been sore
I’ve had my nails done before
Ain’t nothing I haven’t seen before

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