Lil Soda Boi – Döjä

Letra “Lil Soda Boi – Döjä” Official Lyrics


You say we fam but I’on know you
I’m just sippin’ on the soba
I’m just rollin’ up the doja
It’s just me lil soba
You say we fam but I’on know you
I’m just sippin’ on the soba
I’m just rollin’ up the doja
It’s just me lil soba

Verse 1

had the lean in my cup
Sippin’ on the fire bitch I am

And I be in the sunset sobering off the drugs
And I be in your

Blade in my hand might slice you up like a pizza
I’m coolin’ bad bitches smoking senoritas
Yah we rollin’ up tortillas
Smokin on that Tooka and you smoke that reefer

Oh keep that shit away from me
I’m in no gang bitch don’t play with me
Yah wavy like the sea
Yah and I’m from the sea


You say we fam but I’on know you
I’m just sippin’ on the soba
I’m just rollin’ up the doja
It’s just me lil soba
You say we fam but I’on know you
I’m just sippin’ on the soba
I’m just rollin’ up the doja
It’s just me lil soba

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