Lil Bipolar – Bipolarism (Intro)

Letra “Lil Bipolar – Bipolarism (Intro)” Official Lyrics



My personal definition of a state of mind.
A mental chaos beyond understanding.
Clarity is of significance to control this state of thoughts and emotions that can build up to great lengths.
Physical symptoms can be seen when one acts irrationally or so rationally that he could be misunderstood and be classified on the first respective symptom.
Clarity can vary from holy to sinister moments of self-control, leading the subject to a state of Nirvana or Void respectively.
This self-control is consisted of methods like drug abuse, depressive thoughts, self harm or mеditation.
While the actions mentionеd can be classified as abusive or healthy, at the moment of the deed the subject’s brain may miss-classify them.
The results lead to a further drain, down the one – or both out of the two paths.
The following music is my personal journey of this definition.
While the void is a negative mental state, it can provide you with wisdom long-term.
Whatever the case is though, always try to aim for the Nirvana.
It will help you get stronger and wiser, without the risk of losing your soul.
This musical journey will hopefully help you get through your personal “Bipolarism” state.
Help you embrace it and befriend it.

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