Lil Amiri – Glocks

Letra “Lil Amiri – Glocks” Official Lyrics


The irony in that is that i ain’t even that, but you put it those pages
I said that imma ball with my crazy hittas, most likely imma die with
I said that imma ball with my crazy hittas, most likely imma die with
Watch them hoesall you guys out therebeware these lyin scandalous guys
The ball in my fingers. i be shooting threes outside all day with my hittas and i
Tatted up .y.g.a. basically gotta cremate me cause i’m fly ‘til i die
Just thanking the holy fatherhe made a star and shoota youngin still ain’t die
The ball in my fingers. i be shooting threes outside all day with my hittas and i

Verse 1: Lil Amiri

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