LiamDenon – Laying Under Midnight

Laying Under Midnight Lyrics

Verse One

I knew it all had to go down from here
But it was going so well
But when I fall, I fall upwards
Into nothing

Verse Two

You are air between my words
You the prayer that made it worse
You are the sea that caught the storm
You are the teeth that scraped the thought
You are the strings I can’t tune
But play anyway

Chorus One

What if I were to lay under midnight?
Would that make it go away?
What if I invite the blackbird in
But not to stay?
Would that make it right?
Mergers through the night


Verse Three

I’m the blooded mouth
The unsexed breast
The pelican’s beak
The one who can’t speak truth
The one who doesn’t tell lies

Chorus Two

What if we were to lay under midnight?
I always thought the darkness made it go away
Though it might mitigate
I know it won’t replace the light you felt before
But the blackbird’s headed out the door
To where?
We can’t know for sure
But if I were to talk to you
To share the birds I hide?
Would you let them lead the way?

LiamDenon – Laying Under Midnight Lyrics, Letras, Paroles, Testi, Versuri, Persian, Lirik, Deutsche, Tekst

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