Letra Muel Black – Master You Wanna Pick My Brain

Master You Wanna Pick My Brain – Muel Black Lyrics, Letra:

That’s why I’m bringing it back bringing it back up
Tthat’s why I’m flinging the swinging in the ax
That’s why I bring it in it back bringing it back up


You want to pick my brain mind you step take a trip where the eyes don’t see
You want to pick my brain you welcome to speed my guess
Take a look around but don’t get too comfortable it’s not the sale I have to warn you
This place is haunted
Make sure you bring your own torch and to write your own risk proceed with caution

That’s why I’m bringing it back bringing it back up
That’s why I’m flinging the right, that’s why I’m bringing it back bringing it back up

Take your torch
Take your torch
Take your torch

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