Les Fuze – So, Why?

Letra “Les Fuze – So, Why?” Official Lyrics

Your eyes, your eyes..
Why are they still soakin’ wet?
The morning after
A hit and run foggy parade

Adolf and Ben once had a talk in Italy
What’s worse than being stood up?
Then they agreed, it’s holocaust

What do you call it?
When the ferris wheels don’t go around
What do you call it?
When your favorite bands don’t play their old songs

So why..
You worry that much?
So why..
Don’t we talk a walk?

The only song we have..

Hello! Hello!
Paul yelled but she said goodbye
Within a line
Then there he went, wrote a classic


So why..
You worry that much?
So why..
Don’t we talk a walk?

The only song we have..

What do you call it?
When the ferris wheels don’t go around
What do you call it?
When your favorite bands don’t play their old songs

What do you call it?
When the ferris wheels don’t go around
What do you call it?
When your favorite bands don’t play their old songs

So why..
You worry that much?
So why..
Don’t we talk a walk?

The only song we have
The only shot we have
The only song we have

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