LANY – Congrats

Letra “LANY – Congrats” Official Lyrics

Verse 1

I hope you’re throwing a party
I hope you’re feeling yourself
I know it won’t
But the icing on your cake should say 26 going on 12


Round of applause
You got what you want


You broke my fucking heart
You tore my world apart
Went so low I didn’t know
That you were capable of that
So here’s to all the times
You made me want to cry
Got your way so celebrate
And pat yourself on the back
Baby congrats

Verse 2

I hope you’re popping some bottles
I hope you’re out of the town
If I were you I would be
Watching what a say because
What goes around comes back around

Pre-Chorus 2

You lie thru your teeth
Tell me how do you sleep?


Knowing you broke my fucking heart
You tore my world apart
Went so low I didn’t know
That you were capable of that
So here’s to all the times
You made me want to cry
Got your way so celebrate
And pat yourself on the back
Baby congrats


They say that karma is a bitch
I pray to God it really is


Cause you broke my fucking heart
You tore my world apart
Went so low I didn’t know
That you were capable of that
So here’s to all the times
You made me want to cry
Got your way so celebrate
And pat yourself on the back
Baby congrats
Baby Congrats

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