Landon Cube – Light Blue

Light Blue Lyrics

Chorus: Landon Cube
I’ve been dreaming of someone like you
Found you when I was feeling light blue
Don’t know why but I needed to write you
Don’t know why, no, I haven’t a slight clue

Verse 1: Landon Cube
Now you’re all that crosses my mind
You came to me at the right time
Now when all I’ve got is my mind
Needed something else to buy time
Now I’m bleeding for you, right through, right through
I stop breathing for you, ‘till I’m light blue
You completed me, you hold tight like glue
Oh, when I needed you, you came right through
And you painted me new, imperfect hues (oh)

Chorus: Landon Cube
I’ve been dreaming of someone like you
Found you when I was feeling light blue
Don’t know why but I needed to write you
Don’t know why, no, I haven’t a slight clue
I’ve been dreaming of someone like you
Found you when I was feeling light blue
Don’t know why but I needed to write you
Don’t know why, no, I haven’t a slight clue

Bridge: Kid Bloom
I can’t stand when you’re mad
(I can’t remember darling)
I would wait forever
(forever, forever)

Chorus: Landon Cube
I’ve been dreaming of someone like you
Found you when I was feeling light blue
Don’t know why but I needed to write you
Don’t know why, no, I haven’t a slight clue
I’ve been dreaming of someone like you
Found you when I was feeling light blue
Don’t know why but I needed to write you
Don’t know why, no, I haven’t a slight clue

Landon Cube

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