KronoMuzik, Pandrezz & Ronare – Dig Dig Deep Deep

Letra “KronoMuzik, Pandrezz & Ronare – Dig Dig Deep Deep” Official Lyrics

Verse 1: Pélerine

My mind’s taking
Hand’s shaking
The floor is dirty
I’m lying
Vision’s blurry
Back’s hurting
I feel dirty
My mind is screaming
Please make it stop
So loud in my head
My body’s heavy, I’ve got
Voices within
Voices in my head
My mind is taking just like my head


Pre-Chorus: Pélerine

I can’t get away
I can’t get away
I can’t get away
I can’t get away
I can’t
I-I-I can’t get away
I-I-I can’t get away
I-I-I can’t get away

Chorus: Pélerine

If you ever feeling low, if you ever feeling down
I know you can still dig deep in the ground
If you ever feeling low, if you ever feeling down
I know you can still dig deep in the ground
If you’re working with your time, if you’re working with your time
Then you can dig deep deep in the ground
If you’re working with your time, if you’re working with your time
Then you can dig deep deep in the ground

Verse 2: Horty

My mind’s taking
Earth’s shaking
The floor is dirty
I’m lying
Vision’s blurry
Back’s hurting
I’m feeling dirty
My mind is screaming
Please make it stop
So loud in my head
My body’s heavy, I’ve got
Voices within
Voices in my head

Pre-chorus: KronoMuzik & Pélerine

I can’t get away
I can’t get away
I can’t get away

Chorus: Pélerine & Horty

If you ever feeling low, if you ever feeling down
I know you can still dig deep in the ground
If you ever feeling low, if you ever feeling down
I know you can still dig deep in the ground
If you’re working with your time, if you’re working with your time
Then you can dig deep deep in the ground
If you’re working with your time, if you’re working with your time
Then you can dig deep deep in the ground

Outro: Pélerine

Dig-dig deep deep
Dig-dig deep deep
Dig-dig deep deep
Dig-dig deep deep
Dig-dig deep deep
Dig-dig deep deep
Dig-dig deep deep
Dig-dig deep deep

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