Kesha – Queens Come First

Letra “Kesha – Queens Come First” Official Lyrics

Have you forgotten how special you are?
How beautiful, unique
You should be treasured, worshipped
Served on your grandmother’s fine China
You are the altar of love

Boy go slow, there’s no reverse
No cruise control on these royal curbs
Her majesty need a dick that work, work, work
Don’t make me get my hitachi
I’m running low on my battery
You’re doing good, but don’t get too cocky, work
Get back to work

Queens come first
Queens come first
Queens come first
You can have, you can have your turn
But queens come first
Queens come first
Queens come, uh

Boy go slow, thеre’s no reversе
No cruise control on these royal curbs
Her majesty need a dick that work, work, work
Don’t make me get my hitachi
I’m running low on my battery
You’re doing good but don’t get too cocky, work
Get back to work

Queens come first
Queens come first
Queens come first
You can have, you can have your turn
But queens come first
Queens come first
Queens come first

You can have, you can have your turn
But queens come first
You can have, you can have your turn
But queens come first
You can have, you can have your turn
But queens come first, first
Queens come first, come first, come first

You can have, you can have your turn
But queens come first
You can have, you can have your turn
But queens come first
Queens come first
Queens come first
Queens come first, come first, come first
Come first, come first, come first
Come, uh

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