Keb' Mo' – Christmas Is Annoying

Christmas Is Annoying Lyrics

data-lyrics-container=”true” class=”Lyrics__Container-sc-1ynbvzw-6 jYfhrf”>

Verse 1

When I was child, everything was magical
I believed in Santa Claus, it really was fantastical
We couldn’t wait to open up the gifts around the tree
Mom and Dad were there with us, smiling joyfully


But now I’m all grown up
And Christmas, is really annoying

Verse 2

I remember caroling and sledging down the hill
Skating on the pond, you know it really was a thrill
But now the thrill is gone and all my credit cards are maxed
I’m running here, running there, there’s no time to relax
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Cause I’m all grown up
And Christmas, is really annoying


Annoying, annoying
They advertise the whole year long
Annoying, annoying
Let’s apologize to Jesus, for what went wrong

Verse 3

Now it’s time to celebrate the coming of the first
We’re all supposed to sing the song but no one knows the words
Should all acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind
It’s time to wrap the season up and leave it all behind


‘Cause I’m all grown up
And Christmas, is really annoying
You know that Christmas, is really annoying

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