Kate Todd – It Needed Breaking

It Needed Breaking Lyrics

data-lyrics-container=”true” class=”Lyrics__Container-sc-1ynbvzw-6 jYfhrf”>

Verse 1

Hear she left well that’s to bad
Yeah you sure look sad
Just the way you left
Me before
That’s the look I wore
Remember when you thought you were oh so smart
It’s hard to be a player with a broken heart


It needed breaking
Your world needed shaking
Time you did a little giving
When all you’ve been doing is taking
It needed breaking
I don’t mind saying
I know you had it rough
But it wasn’t enough just to leave it aching
It needed breaking
data-primis-player=”true” class=”InreadContainer__Container-sc-19040w5-0 evprUq PrimisPlayer__InreadContainer-sc-1tvdtf7-0 juOVWZ”> class=”PrimisPlayer__Container-sc-1tvdtf7-1 csMTdh”>

Verse 2


I’m not gonna lie but it brings a smile
To these lips of mine
That you used to kiss and I still missed
When you said goodbye
It’s a hard life lesson that you gotta learn
We all get our hearts broken
Now it’s your turn


It needed breaking
Your world needed shaking
Time you did a little giving
When all you’ve been doing is taking
It needed breaking
I don’t mind saying
I know you had it rough
But it wasn’t enough just to leave it aching
It needed breaking


Remember when you thought you were pretty smart
Now I wonder how you sleep with a broken heart


It needed breaking
Your world needed shaking
It’s time you did a little giving
When all you’ve been doing, all you been doing is taking
It needed breaking
I don’t mind saying
I know you had it rough
But it wasn’t enough just to leave it aching
It needed breaking

data-lyrics-container=”true” class=”Lyrics__Container-sc-1ynbvzw-6 jYfhrf”>


It needed breaking
It needed breaking

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