Kai Wachi & Calivania – Eternity

Letra “Kai Wachi & Calivania – Eternity” Official Lyrics

Verse 1

Truth or dare, killing time
Hide the fever in the lies
Love affair with the night
Light is crying when we rise


Sing to the dark and the dust
Cling to the stars and the blood
Cut it into stone
Morbid data, doesn’t matter anymore
Cut it to the bone
Let it shatter, feel the static turning cold
Falling through the centuries
And never leave my enemies alone
Let it shatter
Feel the static turning cold



(Ah, ah-ah)
(Cut it to the bone)
(Lеt it shatter)
(Cut it to the bone)
(Lеt it shatter)


Sing to the dark and the dust
Cling to the stars and the blood
Cut it into stone
Morbid data, doesn’t matter anymore
Cut it to the bone
Let it shatter, feel the static turning cold
Falling through the centuries
And never leave my enemies alone
Let it shatter
Feel the static turning cold


(Cut it to the bone)
(Cut it into stone)


Cut it into stone

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