Juulnam – TPOP – Intro

Letra “Juulnam – TPOP – Intro” Official Lyrics


I don’t remember ever wanting a better day
And I can’t remember ever wanting the same thing
Just look me up in the papers and they’d just say my name



And they’d say my name, and they’d say it
And they’d say my name, and they would say it
And they’d say my name, and they’d say it
And they’d say my name, and they would say it
And they’d say my name, and they’d say it
And they’d say my name, and they would say it
And they’d say my name, and they’d say it
And they’d say my name, and they would say it
And they’d say my name, and they’d say it
And they’d say my name, and they would say it
One more time, let’s go!
And they’d say my name, and they’d say it
And they’d say my name, and they would say it
And they’d say my name, and they’d say it
And they’d say my name, and they would say it

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