Juulnam – Promoted

Letra “Juulnam – Promoted” Official Lyrics

Verse 1: Juulnam

It seems like yesterday that she told me I was warm
But, it seems like fifteen minutes she setting me down
And the way that her heart aches
And the things that I just don’t say
Well, it seems like eternity that I am
And the world bolts from the sky like a gun shot
And the sky’s starlit through the trees
And the love we ignite’s
At the edge of understandings’
‘Bout the way that I feel when I look at you

Chorus: Juulnam

Come over here baby ‘cause I can’t wait
I ain’t going down, my mama used to say
Come on over, and we can taste some of the new
Come over here baby ‘cause I can’t wait
I ain’t going down, my mama used to say
Come on over, and we can taste some of the new

Refrain: Juulnam

We were made out of wood
There’s no one else to betray
We’re gonna live forever
We’re gonna live forever

Verse 2: Juulnam

Maybe someday you’ll be tired of people
Not politicians politicians running scared
Not going with people on their own
Or police with rubber shoes
Somebody calls me anytime and I tell


Chorus: Juulnam

Come over here baby ‘cause I can’t wait
I ain’t going down, my mama used to say
Come on over, and we can taste some of the new
Come over here baby ‘cause I can’t wait
I ain’t going down, my mama used to say
Come on over, and we can taste some of the new

Break: Juulnam, Revion

All I know is I won’t let you go (Speed)
I’d like to know what you’re up to
Yeah, about a hundred foreign names
I’m looking for some stuff
I don’t mean to sound grating

Bridge: Revion

I had a bad night
Trying to make it through the day
I need to talk to you
Time can be bought and it gets bought
But I’ll never wake up to anything

Refrain: Juulnam

We were made out of wood
There’s no one else to betray
We’re gonna live forever
We’re gonna live forever

Chorus: Juulnam

Come over here baby ‘cause I can’t wait
I ain’t going down, my mama used to say
Come on over, and we can taste some of the new
Come over here baby ‘cause I can’t wait
I ain’t going down, my mama used to say
Come on over, and we can taste some of the new

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