Juulnam – Getting This

Letra “Juulnam – Getting This” Official Lyrics


I want to sleep underneath your tree
I want to sleep underneath your tree

Verse 1

I want to sleep underneath your tree
I want to take you from your bones to your feet
I want to play you in your room
I want to play you in your bed
I want to nap and hold you tonight
Nights in which your bod walks on by your window
Hey, little brother, what have you done this evening?
I guess we’ve been wondering about each other
Why the things you do are so much clearer


I want to sleep underneath your tree
I want to sleep underneath your tree
I want to play you in your moonlight
I want to play you in my arms tonight
I want to play you in my sleep tonight
I want to play you in my shoes
I want to play you in my mouth
I want to play you in my carrion
I want to play you in my spice
I want to play you in my coffee
I want to play you in my whiskey


Verse 2

I would rather suffer than ever succeed
I would rather suffer than ever succeed
I would rather suffеr than ever delusion to succeed
I would rathеr suffer than ever delusion to succeed
I would rather suffer than ever delusion to
Every morning when the snow begins to fall
Your voice starts a leaving shadows
And I’m always ready to hear a scream
I would not, ‘cause I, I, I, I would rather die than pretend
I have known you for many hours with each succeeding day
I would rather die than ever believe what we have to do
I would rather die than ever delusion to succeed


I want to sleep underneath your tree
I want to sleep underneath your tree
I want to play you in your moonlight
I want to play you in my arms tonight
I want to play you in my sleep tonight
I want to play you in my shoes
I want to play you in my mouth
I want to play you in my carrion
I want to play you in my spice
I want to play you in my coffee
I want to play you in my whiskey

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