June Henry – ​cowboy hat emoji

Letra “June Henry – ​cowboy hat emoji” Official Lyrics


You described the type of guys you like
It was the opposite of me
So I tried so hard to make myself
Into the person that would make you like me

Verse 1

Almost returned to classical piano
Almost spent $60 on my hair
Tried so hard to get a little taller
All the while knowing that you wouldn’t care



You described the type of guys you like
It was the opposite of me
So I tried so hard to make myself
Into the person that would make you like me

Verse 2


Tried to ignore you for two or three days
But the thoughts of you kept coming and they wouldn’t go away
All it took was one single look in the hallway
For all my previous inhibitions to change


You described the type of guys you like
It was the opposite of me
So I tried so hard to make myself
Into the person that would make you like me

Verse 3

Now I’m just the guy you go to for advice
A disembodied shoulder built for you just to cry on
But if the guy you chose is not bein’ nice
Go find another fucking shoulder to cry on

You described the type of guys you like

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