JUDAHX – A Million Shards (Heart of Glass)

Letra “JUDAHX – A Million Shards (Heart of Glass)” Official Lyrics

My old heart of glass
Cracked into a million shards
Between my numb fingers scratched
Number than my feelings are hurt

I braided our lives in my head
Like the psychopath that I am
With or without you I am dead
Like the depressed ghoul, that I am


Sorry I gave you a fright
For thinking of you every night
Wrapped my heart on my sleeve
Hoping I wasn’t your pet peeve

Sorry for mumbling, usually I am singing
But I am so distraught, I forgot what my teacher taught

My heart!
(Into a million pieces)
My heart!
(All over the place)
My heart!
(Scratches against my skin and it burns)
My heart!
(Broken little pieces)

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