Jonah Park – Covenant (The Intro, Part I)

Letra “Jonah Park – Covenant (The Intro, Part I)” Official Lyrics

(I am your guidance)
(I am everything you need)
(I am your satisfaction)
(I am your purpose)
(I am always with you)
(I am your rest)
(I am your creator)
(I am your identity)
(I am your strength)
(I am your hope)
(I am your redemption)
(I promise)


So if I could leave you guys with one final thought
It’d be “don’t compromise cause you can’t see the end”
God’s not always gonna give you the final picture
That doesn’t mean you should take the easy way out
So do not compromise, but build a foundation with God
Build a relationship with God
Because you cannot trust a complete stranger
You can trust someone you know, and when you know God
And spend time with God
And be in a relationship with Him
That’s whеn you can trust Him the most
So don’t compromise, but have faith

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