Johnny Lover – Heathens Rage

Letra “Johnny Lover – Heathens Rage” Official Lyrics


Sun is shining, the weather is sweet, yeah

Verse 1

Now why do di heathen rage?
An’ di people imagine such vain things?
The kings of earth set themselves
An’ the rulers takes counsel together
Against the Lord an’ against the anointed, sayin’
Let us break the band of sunder
An’ cast your cords away


Sun is shining, the weather is sweet, yeah
Sun is shining, the weather is sweet, yeah

Verse 2

To behold how good an’ how pleasant if a bredrin to dwell together in unity
Is it that the precious high point up in man head
An’ grown down on man beard, even scorches my garment


Sun is shining, the weather is sweet, yeah
Sun is shining, the weather is sweet, yeah

Verse 3

As you do work, man
An’ heart

For, there the Lord-God Jah Rastafari
Come on an’ bless me from this time onto that time an’ lead for Iwah


Sun is shining, the weather is sweet, yeah
Sun is shining, the weather is sweet, yeah

Verse 4

To fret unto thyself
‘Cause it keep do at
Is it but off the grass, they’re liking herb
Trust in Lord an’ do good, an thoroughly thou shall defend

An’ there that hate I
Shall fall like tree that is falling from its heat


Sun is shining, the weather is sweet, yeah

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