Jocelyn Mackenzie, Daron. & Charlie Hunter – The Brave Ones (PUSH: Reimagined)

Jocelyn Mackenzie, Daron. & Charlie Hunter – The Brave Ones (PUSH: Reimagined) Lyrics

Spend my days eating peaches in the sand
Ain’t no better way
To occupy this tiny space I’ve been given
Between the sun and the land
Heard the oxen braying —
You know, the pretty ones
Who yearn to be a man
I said, “Well it is not half bad
You know
Despite zero defenses from the cold.”
We’ll be The Brave Ones
And thrive out of earshot of what was
Fell into a depression in your hand
A pilgrim’s palmistry
The arc of heart and head and crow’s feet
I’d never been somebody’s ICE
Givе you little kisses
Until the fishes come
And learn to rule the land
Honey, well it is not that bad…
You know
Despite our greatest efforts, we get old
Weill make depraved love
I have a geisha in my lung
We’ll be The Brave Ones x G5
Monday come and you shave my head again
That old domestic rite
An orbit and a new babooshka arrive
A century of silence gone by
Little Julia
Illl take you fishing by
The reservoir some time
Your brother, your cousins, some peaches
And my…


… The dream of love will happen in the
We’ll be The Brave Ones
Weill be The Brave Ones
We’ll be The Brave Ones
Weill be The Brave Ones

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