Jocelyn Mackenzie, Daron. & Charlie Hunter – Belly of the Beast (PUSH: Reimagined)

Jocelyn Mackenzie, Daron. & Charlie Hunter – Belly of the Beast (PUSH: Reimagined) Lyrics

In the belly of the Beast
I go walking in my sleep
Toward a light I cannot see
A force in which I must believe
In the belly of the Beast
Regret the threat I did not heed
Which was: “Tread lightly on your feet
Or you’ll be eaten by the Beast
And so I danced just for him for a long time
I misread the coy gleam in his red eye
As he gnashed his grey teeth
I was swallowed in one piece
Now I’m left here pondering
“How could this have happеned to little old
Aw, honey!
In thе belly of the Beast
I’m one repentant digestif
What was unfortunate for me
For him was a delightful treat
In the belly of the Beast
I’m still singing in my sleep
Escape’s a literal pipe dream
From the belly of the Beast
So home sweet home and crest la vie
Here in the belly of the Beast

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