Jay Rivera  – I Believe

I Believe – Jay Rivera – Letra Lyrics

When I first saw you
I knew why always want you near
When I first held you
I knew that love soon be here

I miss you and I when I all alone
I want you in my arms
I knew in my heart that you belong
This love I hold strong

‘Cause deep inside I believe you’re meant to be
I wanna hold you tonight
And I won’t give up this fight
‘Cause deep inside I believe you’re meant to be
I know this down in your heart
But my love for you is right

Why you runaway so quickly, are you afraid?
I want your feeling for me, let me just say
Don’t try to hide what you feel deep inside
If you know this is love just let’s go
I know what I feel is it love so real
If you give me the chance then you will know


‘Cause deep inside I believe you’re meant to be
And I won’t give up this fight
‘Cause deep inside I believe you’re meant to be
I know this down in your heart
But my love for you is right

‘Cause deep inside I believe you’re meant to be
I wanna hold you tonight
And I won’t give up this fight
‘Cause deep inside I believe you’re meant to be
I know this down in your heart
But my love for you is right

‘Cause deep inside I believe you’re meant to be
I wanna hold you tonight
And I won’t give up this fight
‘Cause deep inside I believe you’re meant to be
I know this down in your heart
But my love for you is right

Cause deep inside I believe you’re meant to be

Letras “Jay Rivera  – I Believe” Official Lyrics

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