(Introduction) :Three, two, oneGo !Let it f--ki"/>

Jay Ray – Left of You

Letra “Jay Ray – Left of You” Official Lyrics

YYrds”>(Introduction) :
Three, two, one
Go !
Let it f–king burn !

(The first verse) :
Itʼs not too late to walk away from the ledge
And face another day without a tragedy

What you are driving towards will lead to your demise
You are losing yourself by holding on to a vice
Iʼm watching you die, but my hands are fully tied
But how could I make you see through my eyes ?


(Chorus) :
If I could make you see through my eyes
Thereʼs something in us I have always despised
If only I could see all your lies
Thereʼs something inside us thatʼs prone to demise


(Thе second verse) :
Hurting thе ones, you should not hurt at all
By turning into what you said you would never become
If I could make you see through my bleeding eyes
You could see all your lies ruining everything

With the back against the wall, blindfolded and scoffed
Weʼre forced to forget what we seem to have lost

Now do you feel your days are done ?
How would you be remembered ?
By what you set out to be or defeated by this disease
(Perished by this disease)

(Outroduction) :
But if you choose the right means to carry out and pursue
A plan to create and build new beginning
You could still save whatʼs left of you

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