Jay Electronica – Do You Believe?

Letra “Jay Electronica – Do You Believe?” Official Lyrics



Rakim emerged from the triple darkness of rap like the originator
Seventy-six trillion
years later, I appear with the sub-creator saber
Master on both sides of the force like Darth Plagueis
For nearly half a score, now I burn down stages
Have been around the world for nation to nation, preachin’
in a spaceship
Jay Discoteca, the number one selector in your sector
Trajectories were too obscure for the Synagoguе of Satan to calculate the rector
According to thе writings of the Holy Quran, they only follow a conjecture
With every
I send a multitude to gin out on a stretcher
The molecular discombobulating professor from Cal
across the river come here to
Snakes deliver
When the son of a man quick the land, they shiver
Who shall deliver?
Do you believe?
Dry your eyes, young world, why do you grieve?
After difficulty comes ease
Do you believe?
Can a caterpillar become a butterfly without feeding off the leaves?
Watch what you receive
Do you believe?
After difficulty comes ease
In the meanwhile, beware the seeds of Adam and Eve, at ease
Do you believe?

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