Jakprogresso – The Unwanted

Letra “Jakprogresso – The Unwanted” Official Lyrics

Intro: JakProgresso:

Should take a bong hit right now, ayo Aloeight I got this 1998, innards for the poor, gym bag, yellow kitchen gloves, toolbox, latex, spearmint gum, masked, late to Class, yo

Verse 1: JakProgresso:

Sinner shroom stampedes, slanted, it done left me, didacted (huh?), it’s unconscious to where it still don’t get me (I don’t get this)
The trees loud when a jet leave, used to sell mint packs out of a Getty, did skid bids I’m petty
Ketacete soakin’ cools, roasted, I need a king slippers and road to move
I’ll be in the vocal booth, rope a noose, get the show to boo, I be tossin’ blue Tylenol Cold and Flu
You’re an idiot, yeah I’m a doofus, I get stupid, spit retarded I got a mouth guard and a drool bib (come on, man)
These tool strips will give me weird powers, nightvision gear prowler, sheer cowards
Bonfire bars, the open crackle, a magnetic cross inverted then hold it at you
I hope I die alone in a house fire, no quotes, a tattoo, smoked the black fuel
I rode to Hell missin’ limbs like Roman statues


Verse 2: Grim Moses:

Yo yo, Azazel’s all pumes on crossfire, Madonna’s walk desire, crucify the born an iron cross violent
Shave off islets, see what I did, narcoleptic, cryogenic deep void demented
Egocentric, black magician in a circle caught Elohim suspension
Death to all defied Gods, tread through dimensions, eat your soul and drink the crimson
Oh shit, what an addictive dish this is
I killed this bitch and I blamed Simpson, smoked the boom inside my crystalish prison
Playin’ poltergeist throwin’ knives in your kitchen, you the housewife in a fetal position
The breacher over creature speakin’ affliction
You on some weak shit, like cardigans and savin’ for pension, I’m on some live fast, die by the minute
Half-burned sticks in my fitted, coagulate the blood on my low livid, adrenochrome trippin’, trippin’
Woke up on a city bus, daydreamin’, I must have drifted, I must have drifted, drifted…

Lyrics, Letras, Paroles, Deutsche, Letras, Testi,Тексты, Texty, Norske, Текстови, Versuri, Persian, Liricí, Lirik, Nederlandse, Tagalog

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