Jake Westpy – Snapshot

Letra “Jake Westpy – Snapshot” Official Lyrics

Locked in for the evening Oh
Don’t have anywhere to go
Someone let me out of this cage
I don’t know where else to stay
Oh thank god I can spend my Friday locked in
I know that it’s the time and the place for me
To run and hide
Too many hours in my jail cell watching
Throw the key right out my window and I
Don’t know why
Oh yeah
I know all of my shoes are torn and frayed
I wear sunglasses just to hide my eyes
Some might just try and solve this mystery
It’s just a snapshot of my life
My eyes grow tired as I sit here watching TV
Another several hours wasted in the nick of
Keep seeing shadows mocking me from my
Stop hanging around my house and wasting
My time
Oh yeah
I know all of my shoes are torn and frayed
I wear sunglasses just to hide my eyes
Some might just try and solve this mystery
It’s just a snapshot of my life
I know all of my shoes are torn and frayed
I wear sunglasses just to hide my eyes
Some might just try and solve this mystery
It’s just a snapshot of my life

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