Jacob Allen (Artist) – Minecraft

Letra “Jacob Allen (Artist) – Minecraft” Official Lyrics


Summer can be eternal

Verse 1

Always thinking about Minecraft
Creeper blew my shit up wish I could get all my time back
Endermen picking up my blocks when I’m turned back
Zombies trying to kill me, hold up wait I gotta think fast

Always thinking about Minecraft
Creeper blew my shit up wish I could get all my time back
Endermen picking up my blocks when I’m turned back
Zombies trying to kill me, hold up wait I gotta think fast

Going deeper in the mineshaft
See a spider spawner, take it out with my torchlight
Skeletons shooting me with arrows, got a big fright
This cave’s really dark and something doesn’t feel right


But then I find a diamond
And it sparkles in the light
And then I see some redstone
And its magic’s burning bright


But then I find a diamond
And it sparkles in the light
And then I see some redstone
And its magic’s burning bright

Verse 2

See the magic in the moment
Feel the rhythm in the light
I find meaning in the darkness
And my eyes are burning bright
When the totem pops I’m confident that everything’s alright
Thought of everything I needed and I’m doing it all right


Always thinking about Minecraft
Every season, day and night

Always thinking about Minecraft
Every season, day and night

Verse 3

See the magic in the moment
Feel the rhythm in the light
I find meaning in the darkness
And my eyes are burning bright
When the totem pops I’m confident that everything’s alright
Thought of everything I needed and I’m doing it all right

See the magic in the moment
Feel the rhythm in the light
I find meaning in the darkness
And my eyes are burning bright
When the totem pops I’m confident that everything’s alright
Thought of everything I need, use my elytra and take flight

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