Ivy Robbins and Heidi Thomas – Impossiblities

Letra “Ivy Robbins and Heidi Thomas – Impossiblities” Official Lyrics

Verse 1


Take a breath
Let the wonder seize your mind
As your eyes take in
What surely can’t be defined
It’s ok to be confused
Or at least slightly amused
As I capture your attention
With the wildly unconventional

Chorus 1


You’ll sense the
In the air
The impossibilities
Are everywhere
You’re spinning round in circles as you try to comprehend
The impossibilities
Are my specialty


You wеar a childish ignorance
Avoiding every hindrancе
Cause you just can’t bear
That which makes life unfair

Chorus 2

It seems an
For me to face
An impossibility
I must embrace
You love the entertainment but you could never understand
The impossibilities
You won’t ever face

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