Is She Worth It? Letra – The Edge of Reason

Is She Worth It? Letra – The Edge of Reason

Letras da Musica
I thought you are a friend. But I was assassinated by your naivete.
Cold fingers touched my heart. Then our family turned into a tragedy.
Do you think, you’re the winner of this match? Oh god, why do you permit such a treason.
I trusted you till the edge. Tell me a reason?

You don’t have to justify!
You’re not in the right.
It was like:

When you murdered a civilian for a bitch.
Is she worth it? Is she worth it?
Cross your s*x drive and build a bridge! Stupid bitch!
She’s not worth it! She’s not worth it!

I can’t look in your eyes any longer. You give me an urge to gag.
You’re nothing but a sponger. You’re just a leaf … in the wind.
The blindness is your overlord. My tears are frozen.
Your cold breath is a sword. It’s killing me a dozen .. times.

You don’t have to justify!
You’re not in the right.
It was like:

When you murdered a civilian for a bitch.
Is she worth it? Is she worth it?
Cross your s*x drive and build a bridge! Stupid bitch!
She’s not worth it! She’s not worth it!

Bros before hoes
Bros before hoes
Bros before hoes

But if the way is the only destination,
Then I am ready to forgive.
I hope you see this song as a reflection.
And then change the way you live.

for a bitch. Is she worth it? Is she worth it?
Cross your s*x drive and build a bridge! Stupid bitch!
She’s not worth it! She’s not worth it!
When you murdered a civilian for a bitch.
Is she worth it? Is she worth it?
Cross your s*x drive and build a bridge! Stupid bitch!
She’s not worth it! She’s not worth it!

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