Inyourface (ESP) – Frozen Peaks

Letra “Inyourface (ESP) – Frozen Peaks” Official Lyrics

Breathing fresh air, counting the days for something new
Close to my hand, there is nothing to lose
Although we are (Although we are)
Although we are really already lost
Here we are, we are going to lose control

Hard and cold again, and again
Heart and soul today, ‘til the end
Now, is the time
Somehow we are the night
Now, is the time
How can you stay alive?

The thick fog doesn’t let us see the reality
When thе time comes, time to abandon humanity
Fading away into nothingnеss
Looking for something else

Although we are (Although we are)
Although we are really already lost
Here we are (Here we are)
We are going to lose control

Hard and cold again, and again
Heart and soul today, ‘til the end
Now, is the time
Somehow we are the night
Now, is the time
How can you stay alive?

You are growing here but you can’t stay with me
You are growing here but you can’t stay with me
Please take my hand we can both survive
This surface is not what it used to be, take my hand tonight

We have never stopped looking for you
What do you have to lose?

Hard and cold again and again
Heart and soul today ‘til the end

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