Hugh Mundell – Book Of Life

Letra “Hugh Mundell – Book Of Life” Official Lyrics

Verse 1

Never you cheat or back-bite
Put a stop to fuss an’ fight
Let us keep upright
An’ walk the path that is right


And your name will be written
In the book of life

Verse 2

Watch every step you make
You surely can’t afford to make a mistake
Then let Jah in your heart
And throw away your evil thought
Love your brother as yourself



And your name will be written
In the book of life


Jah Ras Tafari
Haile I, Selassie I

Verse 3

So do the right an’ not the wrong
And Jah will give you an helping hand
An’ walk in the counsel of the righteous
An’ do the things of the righteous men


And your name will be written
In the book of life


Your name will be written
In the book of life

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