Hold Your Breath – Underoath

Lyrics, Letras da Musica
Head in the clouds
Isn’t there some other way
Feet off the ground
I’ve fucked up my only escape
Can’t escape

I never stood a chance anyway
I never tried that hard
You never listened to the words I say
I fear It


Alone at the top of the world
I forgot it was safe down below
I used to be so afraid
Now the darkness it swallows me whole
Alone at the top of the world
Cut the chord and let me float far away
I never asked you for this
So don’t tell me that I am to blame

I’m not coming down
It’s too late for me
So just give up now
I’ve blocked out the sight and the sound

Now I’m up here by myself
You never gave a shit
I wish that I was someone else
Do you feel it

Hold your breath
Choke on my words
Don’t get me started
I’m not your pawn anymore
I’ve come all this way alone
I’m on my own

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