Hi5 USA – Move Your Body (American Version)

Letra “Hi5 USA – Move Your Body (American Version)” Official Lyrics

Chorus: All

Clap your hands to the music
You’ve got to stomp your feet to the beat (yeah)
Walk around in a circle, yeah
Till you come right back to me…
Till you come right back to me…

Refrain 1: Kimee

Grab your partner by the hand
Spin them round and round and round
Kick your heel and point your toe
Round we go with a ‘doe-see-doe’

Verse 1: All

Move your body up, move your body down
Move your body side to side and shake it all around
Now you touch your nose, now you touch your feet
Now you start to swing your arms, sing them to the beat

Chorus: All

You’ve got to clap your hands to the music
You’ve got to stomp your feet to the beat (yeah)
Walk around in a circle, yeah
Till you come right back to me…
Till you come right back to me…


Refrain 2: Jenn

Here we go, one more time
One, two, three, we’re feeling fine
Hands on your hips and bend your knees
Tap your toes and dance with me

Verse 2: All

Slide to the left, slide to the right
Bring your feet together so you can jump in time
Hands on your hips, now you bend your knees
Now you start to tap your toes, tap them to the beat

Chorus: All

You’ve got to clap your hands to the music
You’ve got to stomp your feet to the beat (yeah)
Walk around in a circle, yeah
Till you come right back to me…
Till you come right back to
Clap your hands to the music
You’ve got to stomp your feet to the beat (yeah)
Walk around in a circle, yeah
Till you come right back to me…
Till you come right back to me…

Refrain 3: Karla

Grab your partner by the hand
Spin them round and round and round
Off we go with a ‘doe-see-doe’
Kick your heels and away we go

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