Heaven For Real – Energy Bar

Letra “Heaven For Real – Energy Bar” Official Lyrics

Can you believe it?
Bit of green on the street in the distance
Are you released yet?
Follow me downtown on the weekend
Here’s a hole in the foot of the pasture
Here’s a thorn in my side, a disaster

You can get by with your own supply
You can paint the pale
You could tell a lie
We can ride with the top down, Ferris style
Then a-walk to back of the line a mile
Well you know how you never perceived this?


Minutes clean of debris in the distance
Are you relieved yet?
Follow me downtown on the weekend

Can we get high, can we wave goodbye?
We can turn to pale and believe the lie
You can tell me to go never leave your side
Then I’ll run to the back of the line a mile
Well you know how you never perceive this?

So I chase the moment’s pieces nothing seemed to show no weakness
Deepened in the deeper deepness
All the time they repeat

Can you believe it?
Shallowly breathe on the seed of a secret
Are you at peace yet?
Follow me downtown on the weekend

Can you believe it?
Can you believe it?

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