Haitz – New World

Letra “Haitz – New World” Official Lyrics

I believe why you can’t believe

Kneeling in this imperfect world

Speaking with a righteous blurb

Am I floating? is this real?
I wipe the dirt from my eyes
Spit out the whine
Step on a crack straighten the spine
Kick this world
Run through the parochial halls
So much doubt with so much belief
My thoughts divide at the crossing

Suffering in the scent of my own pity
Accomplish a dream in the vast city

Step into a new world

Am I floating? is this real?
I wipe the dirt from my eyes
Spit out the whine
Step on a crack straighten thе spine
Kick this world
Run through the parochial halls
So much doubt with so much beliеf
My thoughts divide at the crossing


I believe why you can’t believe
Step into a new world
Take me to a place that’s pure

Am I walking aimlessly, shamelessly, famelessly
Clutching, grasping, anything holding on to a lifeline
Its coming, Evolution growing, beginning
To metamorphosize right in front of your eyes
Realize, clasping grasping my faith
It’s coming, slipping, ripping, gripping

Am I floating? is this real?
I wipe the dirt from my eyes
Spit out the whine
Step on a crack straighten the spine
Kick this world
Run through the parochial halls
So much doubt with so much belief
My thoughts divide at the crossing

I believe why you can’t believe
Step into a new world

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