Gravity (Letra) – Cat Dealers

Gravity (Letra) – Cat Dealers
Letras da musica:
I was thinking about
It’s not easy, not easy
Searching for something
That can make you stay

I was thinking about
It’s not easy, not easy
So many times I saw you walking away
Walking away from me

Why don’t you want me?
Why don’t you see?
Why don’t we fight

Why do you run?
Why do you hide?
Soon all our troubles
Will be left behind

Not easy

I was thinking about
It’s not easy, not easy
So many times I saw you walking away
Walking away from me

Why don’t you want me?
Why don’t you see?
Why don’t we fight

Why do you run?
Why do you hide?
Soon all our troubles
Will be left behind

Why don’t we fight

Why don’t you want me?
Why don’t you see?
Why don’t we fight

Why do you run?
Why do you hide?
Soon all our troubles
Will be left behind

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