Grasstowne – Devil's Road

Letra “Grasstowne – Devil's Road” Official Lyrics

Verse 1

In the swamp land of east Carolina
There’s five miles of gravel and stone
Built on the backs of notorious men
Forced to work their fingers to the bone
Breakin’ rocks for a road that went nowhere
Payin’ the debt that was owed
Crimes against Brunswick County
The warden used to call it Devil’s Road


On Devil’s Road, you can hear the hammers ringing
The bossman whips a stingin’, and the blood it would flow
On Devil’s Road, men were a-cryin’
A fate worse than dyin’, doin’ time on Devil’s Road

Verse 2

Some met their maker on that highway
Some called it justice bein’ done
For most, it’s been long since forgotten
That old prison sits abandoned in the sun
Devil’s Road lies deserted in the bydue
A home to the gators and snakes
Few men alive to tell the story
Of how the prisoners paid for their mistakes


On Devil’s Road, you can hear the hammers ringing
The bossman whips a stingin’, and the blood it would flow
On Devil’s Road, men were a-cryin’
A fate worse than dyin’, doin’ time on Devil’s Road


On Devil’s Road, you can hear the hammers ringing
The bossman whips a stingin’, and the blood it would flow
On Devil’s Road, men were a-cryin’
A fate worse than dyin’, doin’ time on Devil’s Road

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