Fred Lynch – The Wedding & The Temple (John 2:1-25) (Acapella)

Letra “Fred Lynch – The Wedding & The Temple (John 2:1-25) (Acapella)” Official Lyrics

1 Three days later was this wedding down in Cana; Mother Mary participated
2 Plus Jesus & the discip’s came there
3 Halfway through the Gala they started to notice’ the wine was getting low so Mary approached Jesus & told it, “You know they low on wine “
4 Jesus asked his moms, “Whose concern is that, yours or mine? Now’s just not my time ” “Fine “
5 But Mary went on anyway to the staff & instructed the crew, “Whatever he tells you boo “I want you to do”
6 Standing barely outta view was six ceramic water-pots used for sanitization rituals- simply habitual Jewish customs kept w/ pride by like a fat medallion-each tub was about’ 25 gallons
7 Jesus had em’ gather em’; and said, “Fill each pot w/ water ” And they did it till each was at the brim ”
8 Now take a pitcher over to the Master of the Ceremony & tell em’ that was on me…and keep the party goin’
9 So when the Emcee took a sip of the water that was miraculously switched (not fully knowing the real…but his busboys knew the deal) he just tripped & called for the groom back to the room to speak on this liquid!
10 He said, “Man you got me straight trippin on this tonic, to be honest…most folks serve their best stuff up front to astonish & after they’ve impressed the crowds, they bring the cheap coolers out; but you saved the best till now!
11 This was the very first miracle in Galilee, where Jesus had em’ staggerin’ at the Glory he unsleaved & his whole set believed
12 His Disciples Mom’s bretheren–all following his lead…went down to Capernaum to retreat from the Journey & you know how time flies when you ain’t worryin’
13 Like a flurry in came the Passover season; So Jesus went to up Jerusalem to celebrate in the City of Peace-N
14 Soon as he stepped inside the Temple Region, the whole court was filled w/ legions of fools teamed w/ demons acting straight heathen! Vendors selling Doves, Sheep Oxen right outta their carts & like that wasn’t goin’ too far; the whole bazaar was run by Loan sharks
15 These fools were acting too bold, but now they pushed past the envelope So Yeshu went & got a rope…that he made out of some leather, and putting together a strap commenced to whipping heads right out the tabernac’ Sheep, Doves, & Cattle all got tackled every hustler, rouge and rascal, Jesus cast their money out too! (Ohh!)
16 And He told those who were selling doves & pigeons, “Get this ism outta my sight… makin’ my Father’s House a flee market don’t you ever try it!
17 That’s how he sparked it And the disciples remembered David’s prophetic remarks that for zeal of God’s house the Messiah would have mad heart
18 Now just who do you think you are? The Jewish leaders stepped in, questionin’…If God is with you, show us a miraculous sign to justify your aggression man
19 Jesus answered them, “All right then, break this temple down and in three days I’ll build it up again ”
20 46 years to build this place & you can raise it up in three days? You’re hostile ways must have you dazed!
21 But Jesus spoke on the Temple of his fleshly frame
22 After He was resurrected, in retrospect they reflected & realized that Jesus had said it just as the scriptures claimed
23 From that Passover trip up to Jerusalem, so many were moved by him and believed on His name Watching the miracles that Jesus displayed brought him mad fame
24 Nevertheless all the same Jesus played em’ close; cause he knew how unpredictable & fickle the crowd goes
25 He knew what men were really like & didn’t need a seminar; so judging his popularity by poles was highly irregular

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