Francis Skyes – Atlas

Francis Skyes – Atlas Lyrics

Blue skies above me
I’ll carry on
Like nothings wrong
There is no answer
Underneath the meteorites
I saw her dancing
In the shadow of a rising sun
Underneath the meteorites
We were scared we were all gonna die
Stayed awake for the whole damn night
But it was just light
It was just love
It was just pain
It was just beauty
It was just the darkness
And it was just the rain
It was all my pain
I made it my name
In the shadow of a rising sun
I saw her dancing
I saw her dancing
Underneath the meteorites
We were scared we were all gonna die
Stayed awake for the whole damn night
In the shadow of a rising sun
In the shadow of a rising sun
In the shadow of a rising sun
In the shadow of a rising sun
There is no answer
Underneath the meteorites
I saw her dancing
In the shadow of a rising sun

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