Flipturn – Weepy Woman

Letra “Flipturn – Weepy Woman” Official Lyrics



Verse 1

Wouldn’t it be romantic(?)
Your eyes could wash my habits
Drown me like a baptist
Hold me like a casket

Verse 2

They couldn’t deny you’ve lost some passion
And it’s not my lack of asking
Since you had (?)



Well everyone knows
That you’ve got so much heart

Verse 3

You understood it
Patient like a practice
Taking me like LSD
And thinking it was magic
Cause you’re willing to just sit
And see what happens
Waiting just to see something you haven’t


Well everyone knows
That you’ve got so much heart
And honey, I can see
It’s tearing you apart


‘Cause you’re making a scenе
And I’m dripping clean
From what I’ve seen
Love shouldn’t bе
This hard

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