Flipturn – Hollow

Letra “Flipturn – Hollow” Official Lyrics

Verse 1

She said:
“Love, I feel so anxious
Cause (?) your patience to me
What’s with the rush
Aren’t I enough?
And I feel so hollow
You let me know what to swallow
Just waiting to cave in”


So, when you coming home? (Hollow, hollow)
When you coming home?


Verse 2

When you coming home?
For good?
Or should I get used to this (?)
(?) when the seasons change
I can’t explain
But I’m getting used to
I’m getting used to this rain


Hm, so when you coming home? (Hollow, hollow)
When you coming home?
When you coming home? (Hollow, hollow)
When you coming home?
When you coming home?


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