FALSE CHURCH – Tithe or Die

Letra “FALSE CHURCH – Tithe or Die” Official Lyrics


MONEY! Comin’ to me, now!

Verse 1

We’ll take the kind that jingles
But prefer the kind that folds
Don’t worry about your savings
Just worry about your soul
No matter if you’re hungry
No matter if you’re poor
We’ll anoint your dollars
And we’ll come back for more



Tithe or die
Through trials and tribulations
Tithe or die
Salvation through donation
Tithe or die
You’ll get what you’re after
Tithe or die
In the great ever after

Verse 2

Just send us all your savings
We’ll max out all your cards
Pay up to the profit
And you’ll see the reward
We need another mansion
We need a private jet
To feed the congregation
That’s what the Bible said, ugh

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