Exocrine – Shrine

Letra “Exocrine – Shrine” Official Lyrics

Lost in the void, technology shrine
Flesh factory hive
Precious knowledge, stellar furnace control
Third level of elevation
Graft into me the ultimate asset
Into my flesh

I will butcher my corpse
Overthrow their corrupt reign
Evolve beyond man and machine
In the Insectoid Shrine


Cut off my meat
Replace my bones
Mutation, hybridation, obsolete flesh teared
Gurgling of wet guts
Grafted to my new forcе, I can create stars


I will butcher my corpsе
Overthrow their corrupt reign
Evolve beyond man and machine
In the Insectoid Shrine

Maybe I’ll condemn the world
Remove our fate from their hands
Now nothing can stop it
I will set their false haven on fire
After centuries of deceit
From Amber a new beginning

From my branded hands
(I) create new stars
From fuming ember
New beginning

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