English Translations – ​nyanyannya – マッドハッターズ・マッドハート (Mad Hatter’s Mad Heart) ft. Kagamine Len (English Translation) Lyrics

​nyanyannya – マッドハッターズ・マッドハート (Mad Hatter’s Mad Heart) ft. Kagamine Len (English Translation) Lyrics

English Translations
Here is what you are looking for
At a mad hat shop from the fairy tales, that heart—
Knock knock knock knock
Ah, the price is 10 shillings and 6 pence
That’s too cheap?
It’s because I want your smile

Merci, merci
Sign here! I’ll explain

It’ll be quick
It’s simply an organ
It just looks a little deviant
Oh, Mad Hatter’s mad heart
If the heart cleans greedy blood
Then a mad heart
Will stain everything

Scribbles, spirit, or fame, you can take whatever you want. The names of those you find unpleasant?
Oh, I jest, just an advanced joke. Please keep an open mind
What about you? It’s all up to your imagination


An artist who can’t paint?
What an innovative use

But be warned
The canvas
Will be tainted by an irresistible trap, alright?

Oh, Mad Hatter’s mad heart
Ash-covered rubbish is art, etc
I cannot understand, but please enjoy yourself

Ah, with a transformed appearance
The mad heart becomes even more mad
It is human nature to be greedy
Ah-ah-ah, what’s left in an offered soul
And a defiled hand is a sham!

Mad heart
The contractual rental fee
For another use is 10 shillings and 6 pence
Your original soul that was left behind in the mad heart
Is the interest. Just as was written, your smile
That’s right, I want that smile, ah-ha

Mad Hatter’s mad…mad heart

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