English Translations LETRA – Wincent Weiss – Ein Jahr (English Translation) ✓

Wincent Weiss – Ein Jahr (English Translation) Lyrics

I thought a year was enough to forget you
I thought a year was enough to forget you

My steps are heavy, I fight my way though the streets
My feet are getting wet because I wore the wrong shoes again
In front of the café on the corner is the table we used to sit at
Somehow different, everything is so different
Oh, the wind hurts, I bury myself in my jacket
I stand freezing in front of door with no idea where I have my keeps
And if you saw me, you’d probably be laughing your head off right now
Somehow different, everything is so different
Irgendwie anders, es ist alles so anders

I have tried so hard to push it away
But it just doesn’t stop burning
Oh, the truth is that I still miss you
Although a whole year is passed
And I don’t really miss anything at all
Oh, the truth is that I still miss you

I thought a year was enough to forget you
I thought a year was enough to forget you


When the alarm clock rings in the morning, I still lie on my right side
And the woman opposite is standing at the window smoking like everyday
That our time was so beautiful, I just see it now on pictures
Somehow different, everything is so different

I have tried so hard to push it away
But it just doesn’t stop burning
Oh, the truth is that I still miss you
Although a whole year is passed
And I don’t really miss anything at all
Oh, the truth is that I still miss you

I thought a year was enough to forget you
I thought a year was enough

I have tried so hard to push it away
But it just doesn’t stop burning
Oh, the truth is that I still miss you
Although a whole year is passed
And I don’t really miss anything at all
Oh, the truth is that I still miss you

I thought a year was enough to forget you
I thought a year was enough to forget you

Lyrics, Letras, Paroles, Deutsche, Letras, Testi,Тексты, Texty, Norske, Текстови, Versuri, Persian, Liricí, Lirik, Nederlandse, Tagalog

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